
Calibre press minneapolis castile
Calibre press minneapolis castile

And we had the chance a few years back to take a deep dive into the legal standard that sits at the heart of so many of these cases. And the argument that inevitably is going to get made in that courtroom is an argument that has been made over and over again. The outcome of that trial will have a lot to say about how we as a nation move through this moment. He's been charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter, and there will almost certainly be a trial. Derek Chauvin, the police officer who put his knee on George Floyd's neck, will be going to court. One of those is that, amidst all the pain and outrage, there is one thing that is about to happen. But I want to offer some small things that we can share. Honestly, there's so much behind what is happening it's hard to find the words.

calibre press minneapolis castile

All the silences that led to this silence.

calibre press minneapolis castile

JAD: Been thinking a lot about those silences. But also - and this is what I don't want to lose sight of - moments of stillness and respect and silence. Protests around the world, violence, just some really shocking moments. It felt like the world cracked open, to be honest.

Calibre press minneapolis castile